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Become a valued member of NDTEEA today and unlock a world of opportunities in Technology & Engineering Education. By joining our community, you gain access to exclusive resources, professional development programs, and a network of passionate educators. Your membership not only supports our mission to advance the field, but also provides you with valuable tools and connections to enhance your teaching practice. Join NDTEEA now and be part of a thriving community dedicated to shaping the future of education.
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Expand Your Horizons with ITEEA Membership!
As advocates for technology education in North Dakota, the North Dakota Technology and Engineering Education Association (NDTEEA) is proud to connect you with valuable opportunities beyond our state's borders. By joining the International Technology and Engineering Educators Association (ITEEA), you'll be part of a global network that shares your passion for technology, innovation, design, and engineering education.
ITEEA's mission aligns seamlessly with our goal of advancing technological and engineering capabilities for all learners. By becoming an ITEEA member, you'll gain access to a wealth of resources, professional development opportunities, and innovative teaching approaches that will enhance your impact in the classroom. From dynamic publications to engaging classroom activities, ITEEA empowers educators like you to nurture professionalism, foster growth, and seize new opportunities in the field.
Join ITEEA today and be part of a vibrant community that's driving innovation, shaping the future of education, and making a lasting impact on students' lives.